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Writer's pictureStephanie Birchenough

Gloucesterman - the Gloucester Harbor Launch

I know we have mentioned the launch but I really want to talk about how awesome the launch really is her in Gloucester Harbor. The Launch is essentially a people mover all over the Harbor from Cripple Cove/North Channel to Southeast Harbor to folks going out to their moorings. The Nice thing about the launch, is when you have a launch pass you can take 4 people on that pass, nice when your friends want go boating with you for the day.

The launch is quite an essential part to the water front and the recreational boats in the water. Not only does it move all those when have moorings in the harbor, it also moves all those visitors we get each summer. Gloucester has 35 city moorings that they rent out on Dockwa. With your mooring also included is launch to and from your boat to land, showers and very nice facilities, a lounge with high speed internet and walking distance to many shops and restaurants. I would say that is a pretty good deal. And did I mention the facilities were just completed in 2021, so they are new and beautiful.

When we first started cruising the Captain and I would visit Gloucester and always stay on the same mooring SC1 ( Smith Cove #1), this is by far the best mooring in in the harbor. And if you ever visit Gloucester by boat and need a mooring this is the one to request. But we would only stay one day, because they didn't have facilities or launch. We would take our tender (or dinghy) and bring it to all the places we would like to visit. Now that they have facilities we would love to come and stay for a few days, but live here now.

The Launch boat!! THE GLOUCESTERMAN!

Map of the Mooring field in Gloucester Harbor

The Captain & I on the Launch boat, heading out to Añejo

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